Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So apparently I am a bad blogger. There was once a time where I was a master, so skilled that I was able to post multiple times a day! Life was more interesting back then though, college has so many exciting things... I feel boring now.

The most interesting thing in my life is my relationship with David. He is a wonderful man, and I love him... but we do face challenges in our relationship. We are going through one right now that is especially difficult. Still, what doesnt kill us will only make us stronger right? Well at least that is what I am hoping.

Anyways. I am sick so I should be resting. Perhaps I wont be a bad blogger again...

Friday, April 4, 2008

A lost opportunity

Well. I am a bit bummed today. I have been working on a job opportunity for about three weeks now. Just yesterday I overcame several concerns to be very excited about this chance, working in a home for disabled adults... until i heard the salary. 15,000 a year plus a room (which, since I am required to stay the night, is necessary for the job). I hardly could have thought that a full time job with 72 waking hours a week would pay so little. Honestly its below what I could accept to maintain my minimum monthly expenses. Even worse, they have no benefits at all... no insurances or retirement or anything. I have considered this all night, even living with nothing extra it does not meet my expenses (car, car ins, life ins, student loans, IRA, dog and gas).

Sigh. I know I would have loved it. I especially dislike my current job.

Perhaps after I decline and show the reasons I am declining, they will up the offer?

Yeah, I know. A very long shot.

Monday, March 3, 2008

I just got back from a great weekend in Atlanta with five of the worlds greatest girls. We all had a great time and were very sad to leave and have to go home. I would try to explain all of our exploits, but there was way too many to list. I will just say a few things. "Anybody want some swiss cheese?", picnics in gardens are fun, so is Apples to Apples, and so is staying up really late.

Love you girls. :-)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Some sad news

Well it figures that I did not make my post on priorities a priority. It is coming (at least for that one guy you might read it, haha, thanks for the comment).

Tonight though I have some sad news. I just found out my friend from college passed away in a car accident today. He was driving from his house to visit some people at school and was in an accident here in Tn- I dont know how or why, except that he was said to have died on impact. He was a pretty close friend as far as guys go. I am really missing him. A friend from school and I were talking about it, remembering memories about him. One of my favorites is this: we were on break for Christmas. He was at Tommy's house and they talk messaged me on AIM and sang me happy birthday and we got to talk. It was great. Matty always had the greatest songs on his guitar. I mean he wasnt the greatest player, but he liked it and he was funny. He was sweet, and sweaty too... haha, but thats okay.

We love you Matty (Matthew Johnson). We will miss you.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Priorities in Action

I want to talk about priorities.. but its going to have to be another time. Its late and sleep is a priority for me considering how early I have to get up for work.

So, note to self...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My weekend in a nutshell

I was exhausted!! Who would have thought that leafblowing would be so tiring! Yesterday I was working at our house on Signal Mountain. We have a backpack style leafblower, and so I was wearing it and just waving the "arm" around to move the leaves. I guess the arm just weighs about 10 or so pounds, but after a long day it seems like it weighs much more than that. I went through two full tanks of fuel in the 5.5 hours I was working (on the leaves) and still only did half of the work!! We have a big yard apparently. I went to sleep at ten because I was so beat!!

Today, it was very scary!! I dont know how many kids any of you have tried to run over, but this was my first one. I was parking my car at church for choir rehersal. I back in then because there are never very many cars around and it makes it easier to pull out later when I am ready to leave. Anyway, there was NO ONE on that side of the parking lot at all when I set myself to back up. I was starting the turn and watching my drivers mirror and the family who was standing in front of my car (the opposite direction from where I was backing)... and then all the sudden the family starts screaming!! Scared me half to death and then in my mirror I see this kid FLY past on a scooter. Now I dont know whose fault that was, I dont think it was mine because I did look and he was not there... but I feel HORRIBLE. Partly because it was at my chruch so I knew the family.. and now I feel like they are glaring at me being like "idiot, almost run over my kid". Still, the kid was not the brightest crayon in the box... he was going pretty fast on that scooter and a car with lights and reverse lights is kinda hard to miss... GAH!!!

So that has been my exciting weekend.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A bad parent

Today, I felt like a bad parent, and I dont even have kids!!

My puppy, Mykah, and I woke up late. I was feeling pretty rushed and so I fed her and went to get ready. She got into that crouch that only dogs do; you know... front paws lying on the ground, butt up in the air, tail wagging like a whip. She was ready to play, and I ignored her. Ive done it before. Today though I thought about it and felt like one of those parents whose "kid" is pleading for attention and the parent doesnt even notice!! It was so easy to not even notice because I was so wrapped up in myself and my need to go to work (and be twenty minutes early like always). Ugh.

I thought about it, I decided that stay-at-home parents have all the breaks. They never have to rush off to work. I have thought of many different things that I would love to do with my life, but being a stay at home parent is on the top of my list. My mom stayed home with my sisters and I when we were younger and it was a sacrifice for the family, but i think it was worth it. I love my mom and I am glad for the active role she had in our lives. I hope someday I will be able to do that for my own kids, to get to know them and understand them and help them grow up the way they should go. Its a sacrifice, its almost impossible in this day and age (most families need two incomes)... but I guess we shall someday see...

My moral. Play with the dog.